Sail Away, Sail Away

The sun of a new day crests over the horizon on Nadia's world while the Siren Queen made its hustle and bustle all through the night. Light shines through the gun ports on the ship, waking up some crew while others rotate out, keeping the well oiled ship going and going while the strange tank on deck is supiciously empty. "Oy, where's the Captain?"

    Down below deck, in a special flooded chamber, a mermaid is just waking up, a languid stretch given as she floats up to wake. "Mmm, that time again, huh? How long was I singing last night?" there's a light sigh before she slips into the transport tubes, swimming herself up towards the bridge.

    "Alright crew!" comes her voice, booming across the ship, "Time to get going! Today's the day we explore past our world and into others!" cheering erupts from the crew as Nadia pops into her tank. The helmsman gives a nod and departs the secondary wheel as Nadia's tank clicks into place to take control. "Who are we?!" 'THE SIREN QUEEN!' "What's our mission?!" 'EXPLORATION!' "Let's bring our /song/ to the worlds beyond and explore everything we can!" 'FOR NADIA! FOR LEVIATHAN!'