And The Moon Is The Only Light

    Alan came home just as his mother was leaving for her shift at the hospital. It was normal; they really only saw each other in passing thanks to the year-round school he was in and his mother's long work hours. The woman's ink-black hair had gray streaks in it (from worry she always told her son) and there were lines in her mahogany-toned face that Alan didn't remember seeing before. He saw a lot of her in his own face in spite of all his aunts claiming he had his father's eyes.
He hugged his mom, glad to see her even if they had repeated the ritual countless times. "Hi mom."
    "Sweetheart." The warmth and pride in her voice was unmistakable. "There's salad fixings in the fridge and grilled chicken to go with it. Also, Aunt Mona's going to stay with us awhile."
    Aunt Mona? Alan looked at his mother with confusion. "...Why?"
    "She quit her job. Her boss was.." His mother's eyes betrayed that she was trying to find different words to describe the problem to the fifteen year-old. "... saying inappropriate things to her. Make sure you fill the water pitcher before bed and clean the toilet, okay?"
    Alan nodded dutifully. "I'll make sure to do those, mom. And my homework." He added before she had a chance to ask, drawing a bright smile from her. She mussed his hair and gave him one last hug. "I love you son, take care of your aunt and yourself."
    "Love you too mom, stay safe." Alan's response may have been habit, but he meant it.

    Alan found his aunt already camped out on the couch, asleep with the TV on and the remote loosely held in her hand. He grabbed the spare blankets from the hall closet and covered his aunt up. The remote was put away and the TV turned off, Alan made sure the lights in the living room were off before getting his dinner and finishing his chores for the night. He thought he heard Aunt Mona mumbling some nonsense about moon goddesses and hunting, but thought it might just be whatever stress that her boss had caused, and went about his evening.