Left in the Lurch


    The blonde jumps faintly, startled. "A-ah, Tachibana. Unusual of you to visit. Especially after I just got back from out of town." There's a dry tone there; she knows full well Yumi wouldn't be ambushing her on her own balcony unless she had something very pressing to discuss.

    Yumi's pretty sure she's wearing her sternness on her face. But that's fine. This calls for feeling stern.

    "Elizabeth, I'm tired of waiting. I want to talk to the Guardian of Natsuto."

    There are a few things Yumi is anticipating; dismissiveness, cooperation, outright refusal. The one thing she doesn't expect is surprise. But that's what quickly finds its way onto the other senshi's face: surprise. "He... hasn't talked to you? At all?" Yumi shakes her head. "No. I still don't know the details of this wish I'm supposedly entitled to, or what youma are, or..." She trails off.

    Elizabeth arches an eyebrow. "You recently had some kind of outburst, didn't you? Something like joy, or amusement, or love, or something like that? Something that wasn't like you at all."

    Yumi narrows her eyes. "...That's a very good guess." Elizabeth only shrugs, turning to lean against the railing. "You looked rattled just now. You don't seem like the type to be easily rattled by anything external, Tachibana; and you didn't seem to know about it already. It was an educated guess, but also a lucky one." She folds her arms together, staring up at the wall above the sliding glass door. "You also didn't ask, so I suppose you know what my answer's going to be."

    "'The Guardians want to be the ones to explain that'," Yumi grumbles.

    Elizabeth turns her head to glance at Yumi out of the corner of her eye. "I'm honestly kind of astounded the Guardian hasn't come to talk to you at all. I know he's reclusive, but to just leave you high and dry simply because he doesn't have to sell you on the package deal..." She looks legitimately irritated; she's already reaching for her cellphone. "He's honestly one of the most awful ones to work with, let me see if I can-"

    The phone vibrates in her hand. Buzz, buzz. A text message. Elizabeth looks at it, wide-eyed, and immediately turns to start sweeping her gaze around. The inside of her condo, the other balconies, the nearby skyline. It's enough to set Yumi on edge. "What, what is it?"

    Elizabeth shakes her head, and utters an exasperated sigh. Then she holds up the cellphone, and taps the screen indicatively. "Nothing. I'm to tell you that Vulpes ex Machina will see you on Wednesday evening."