Sybil Alouette and Mirage

"That was one hella of a birthday party. I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it more," Sybil smiled at Shield-Maiden as her car travelled down I-80 towards Treasure Island. "When's your birthday Shel, we should go to Six Flags or something. Ever been on a roller coaster before?"

"I don't remember, sometime in the spring? I did like the Celtic music though, thank you for having the disc jockey play it. I don't really care for fast-moving vehicles, I would prefer something low-key with maybe some music in the background," Shield-Maiden gazed out her window as they drew closer to the island. "Hello Mirage, it's good to see you again."

"You don't remember your own birthday? How old are you anyway? Well, it's kind of hard to steer a horse-driven carriage on the highway. Man, we don't have much in common..." There was a bit of awkward silence before Sybil heard Shel talk to someone else. "Mirage?"

Suddenly, the head of blonde girl wearing a hair band with a black ribbon along with glasses popped in the rearview mirror before it fogged up with the message "olleh" written on it. Sybil let out a scream and nearly steered the car into the guard rails before recovering.

"Who was that?! A ghost? It's a brand new car, how could it be haunted already? Stupid car dealer's trying to rip me off..." Shield-Maiden looked down at the floor before she responded cutting off the rant, "As I said before that's Mirage, she's another member of the Cabal. She lives in a mirror dimension."

"A mirror what? Wait, does she get her power from a mirror like me?" The more the Hornet Queen heard, the more questions she had. "Also I have a feeling I've seen her somewhere before."

Mirage's face popped up again before the word "Loohcs" appeared on the fogged mirror. It took a moment before Sybil to decipher the message.

"Wait, are you that girl who went missing a couple of years ago. What's her name? Everyone forgot about her when the monster attacked Millabrae." Mirage seemingly facepalmed at what she was hearing but was ignored by Sybil as the car pulled to a stop and the pair stepped out of the vehicle.

"Oh well, I'm sure I'll remember it later."