
    It can't really be said that DARGN has eyes. Well, in a sense, she does; she can see what Hyouka sees, feel what Hyouka feels. She is piggybacking the cyborg's senses, both to serve her purpose as a reflex-assist AI, and to serve her purpose as an assistant AI. But she doesn't really have a set of her own -- she exists only as an advanced AI built into Hyouka's frame.

    But in another sense, it could be said that she is 'looking' at Hyouka's data nonetheless. Part of her function is parsing the body's usage and combat data constantly, analyzing it to any number of purposes, including finding ways to improve efficiency and spotting problems before they might otherwise be noticed. And for once, her attention is snared by the data, in more than just the distant, intellectual way of something within her duties. This... is interesting.

    It can't really be said that DARGN has eyes, but if she did, she would be staring at a chart of the DraCor Engine's output. It had the usual, stable output with minor fluctuations... until Alty started her fight. Then it began to slowly, steadily rise, until a sudden and sharp peak around the point in the timeline where the Seraph stabbed Alty.

    'My my, to raise the output that much... this almost got very interesting indeed.'