Nothing Ventured

Uni paces. Bravette's been gone for too long. "Bravette, report... Talk to me." The CPU candidate continues to pace, drawing a circle in the floor of the warehouse that not long ago held unlicensed shinki death matches. The grating in the floor being where the central ring was sited.

    The radio crackles, then a tiny voice speaks up. <Mapping 45% complete, Master. Returning from current grid to recharge. Request jellycan, blueberry if possible.> the stoic, emotionless voice running a mile-a-minute as it usually did when the Shinki was stressed or upset. "Understood. See you soon."

    Uni dropped a folding char out of Inventory, took a seat and set up the rest of her mobile charging station. The cradle, a small table and powerbank. A smaller table is set up next to the cradle and a jellycan perched atop it for when the Zelnogrard returns.

    "If you find her... mark location and leave her where she is. Alty deserves to be the one to bring her back." comments the CPU as she waits, watching the grate for the tiny blond robot.

    Bravette returns several minutes later, drags herself out of the grate and floats over to the cradle, plunking down into it and takes a big swig of the jellycan. "Understood master. Will mark and triangulate, not engage. No, not engage."

    Uni then opens a holographic screen, opening a browser to link to the MMS parts ordering catelogue, she browses to the parts section, and filters for Altines, Melee Weapons.