Cleaning up the Mess

While not officially part of the Tokyo Police Department, the cyborg officer known as Alex Murphy had earned a fair deal of credit with the other officers for, while being an offworlder, that he respected the rule of law and procedure. Stopping Uni from putting a bullet between the eyes of the man called Tanaka was something that surprised a few, given how ruthlessly efficient he was in action.

It was afterwards, in the cleanup that he poured on the full resources of his enhanced brain and software. What would've taken days, if not weeks of processing, from various reports were done in a matter of hours, only requiring secondary verification and review of the aforementioned data after it'd been digitally processed and submitted.

Right then, Alex stood just inside a hospital room, where the handcuffed and currently prone form of the man who had been Alty's tormentor, and countless other shinki who had suffered was.

He skimmed through the reports, doublechecking his work when his sensors picked up a slight deviation, that Tanaka was conscious, but didn't move, his eyelids shifting slightly as he resisted the impulse to alert anyone he was conscious by instinct. But his mind was already racing. Anger. Disbelief. Delusions of grandeur as his mind seemed to clock through the events of the past 24 hours. 'How dare they', he suspected was in that mind picked up from the subtle movements even he couldn't consciously suppress.

But the very obvious hydraulic presence of Alex's footfalls shocked him out of his playing possum state as Alex advanced towards the bedside. "Yeah, knew you were awake. Probably thinking about what you're going to do when you get out of here. Thing is, that's not going to happen. Concussion aside, you're responsible for a lot of bad things that have happened to people that didn't deserve it."

Tanaka managed to get his wits about him to almost immediately sneer and pounce on that, "You're talking about those things? Those aren't people. Those are tools. Just like you are--yeah, I heard about you. They called you 'Robocop' back on your world, huh?" He was about to make another comment when Alex's visor flipped up suddenly. A tight, polite smile that chilled to the bone, nothing like any of the other cops he's ever seen as Murphy leaned forward.

"You've got a very long list of charges. And I'm going to remind you of the following rights you have. Rights, that despite you trampling on others, that you still have. The first is the right to remain silent. The second is the right to have an attorney at the trial. You do not have the right to see your attorney before trial nor do you have the right to have one present during interrogation. Think carefully before you speak in the future..."

"...Akihiko Tanaka."

If the man could go any whiter than he could, he would. But all he could do is numbly nod his head in acknowledgement of those rights and tried desperately do think of what he could do. He hadn't given that name. And that... that alone was terrifying to consider.


Straightening up, though without taking his gaze off the man, Murphy turned to return to the place he had been standing in moments before. Officially, the emotional assessment and other aspects he had been recorded would be used for evidentiary reasons... but sharing it discreetly later to another cyborg...? That just might be in the cards.