Nothing Gained

    <Master. Update. Detected multiple CMS Signatures in west line 4. Ground penetrating radar reports a cavern, approximately 30feet in diameter, with a running power flow system. Proceeding closer to inspect.>

    Bravette's voice is clipped, rapid fire, and stressed out, albeit still a stoic monotone to the uninitiated. "Understood. Be extremely careful, we refitted you for extended range, so you don't have your Gattling, or any of your extra armour plates." reinforces Uni, frowning a little at the holographic screen showing Bravette's status... '54% battery remaining, if she's forced to engage in battle she won't have enough to return...' Uni's thoughts are interrupted by a sudden grunt and the sound of rapid footsteps over the commline. <I've been spotted. Disengaging. Three Shinki, one Arnval, a Graprap and a Howling... taking fire. Returning fire... Howling disabled... damage to secondary sensor package, discarding... pursuit terminating, signatures returning to cavern... I am RTB. Damage minimal... marking sector for future investigation.>

    Uni tenses as Bravette begins reporting, fists clenched as she watches the status panel helplessly.

    It's only when the all-clear is called, and the damage indicators fade away that she relaxes. "Understood... head directly back, I'll get the repair kit ready."

    "A Shinki settlement? I knew they did that sometimes, but..." Uni taps her chin, frowning a bit as she waits for Bravette to return.