Time and Place, Time and Space

Jun read the letter again. For about the ninetieth time. It was sparse on details, but it did contain a place to meet, a time, and instructions -- bring Julia.

The dragon mahou frowned. What was he supposed to do? What if it was a trap? There wasn't much to go on that gave him any reason to trust that woman at the school. In fact, he had just the opposite -- she confessed to being responsible for the time distortions.

So... what if Julia's keeping that woman from doing something she needed to do, and the woman intended to solve the problem by killing the girl?

On the other hand, there was really no way to figure out what was going on otherwise. And he wouldn't go alone -- that would be stupid. Aurelia has to know about it. And there are offworlders that are interested in these events, right? Maybe if there's enough people, there won't be a chance for that woman to hurt Julia.

And Jun intends to make certain she has as little opportunity to do so as possible.

That decided, Jun went to find Aurelia. They need to look into things, at the very least.