Mass Chaos

+bbpost 20/+bb It had been a while since Benedicta had gone to early morning mass. She hadn't given up her faith, but she had been quite busy. The rabbit girl carefully stepped inside the church doing her best not to be seen. Her hood was over her face but that only could conceal so much. She didn't know what would happen after making a deal with the son of the devil. She breathed a sigh of relief as she wasn't ejected instantly from the church.

She carefully snuck up to the balcony doing her best not to be seen by anyone, though there were only a few people present at the moment. Her horn began to glow yellow and she did her best not to swear pulling on her hood tighter as she did so. She couldn't see anything out of the ordinary but quietly spoke up, "There's no use in hiding, I know that you're there."

She reeled back a bit as there was a sudden black flash of light and a young girl revealed herself. The fact she was in armor and had long white bangs was a dead giveaway to who it was. "Hey, headless horsegirl, what are the odds?" Benedicta looked a bit annoyed as saw the familiar figure. "I'm guessing Sybil isn't here right?" She peered around curiously hoping her rival wasn't present.

"I came here alone, and I would prefer to be called Shield-Maiden or Shel. I just want to attend mass in peace," The young girl raised her voice a bit above its usual monotone as she spoke.

Benedicta lifted the right sleeve of her hoodie, revealing the black sigil that stood out against white fur. "Hey since Sybil's not around, could you remove this? I won't tell anyone you did it," This was a rare situation where the two of them were alone.

"I would think you would be more respectful to someone you're asking for a favor. And I can't remove it. At least not without great cost to myself," Shield-Maiden was making sure that no one else saw the pair.

"Oh come on, I know you're talented with magic. It can't be that hard right?" The rabbit girl was doing her best not to raise her voice.

"It's more complicated than that. Please stop asking me to do so. It's not my decision," Shield-Maiden looked down as much her gullet would allow her to so.

"You're the one who put it on my arm to begin with! I know you have a sense of right and wrong! Why are you working for Sybil to begin with!" Benedicta was starting to lose her cool.

"What's going on up there!" Someone had heard Benedicta's yelling and was heading upstairs. A black glowing wall appeared behind her blocking the entrance to the balcony.

"Please keep it down. She's a much more reasonable leader than Luna. Who pretty much let Dr.Mendel do as he pleased and.." The gullet around Shel's face started to glow black as she tried to talk and she paused before continuing, "I can't say anymore."

"Did Luna or Mendel do this to you?" Benedicta made a gesture as she pointed to the armor.

"No, that happened long before I met either of them..."Shield-Maiden was suddenly interrupted with a loud pounding sound, "What's this wall doing here!" Upon hearing the voice the girl faded from sight leaving Benedicta alone and the wall started to fade. The rabbit girl suddenly realized the only way out was down and her horn started to glow yellow again. A pair of feathery wings started to grow from her back.

Just as the wall gave away, she leapt off the balcony. Her wings spread out and she started gliding for the entrance just as more people started to gather below for mass. While she managed to escape unharmed she had drawn the attention of a few while flying away.

The local news quickly received reports of an angel sighting.