
Somewhere, in a world with holographic training and entertainment centers. The CPU Candidate of Lastation has paid for a whole day in one of the simulation arenas. She's uploaded her own combat data into the server.

    "Again! Increase speed, 20%." Uni grunts as she racks the slide on her rifle, bringing it up to sight down the scope again.

    The simulation resets, and she's staring down the Erebus-model, firing that blue bolt of energy. It flashes away, much faster than it really happened. Uni tracks, squeezes, and destroys it.

    "Again! Increase speed, 40%!" She sights down... and misses the shot. The bolt slamming into the holographic representation of Cid.

    "What are you /doing/ Uni. Get it together... If Noire was there, 2B wouldn't have had to sacrifice herself so we could stop..." the CPU Candidate grunts, standing and tossing her weapon away. It winks out of being before it gets too far, returning to her Inventory. After twelve hours of training, and in her eyes, failing to improve her performance; the young Goddess gives up, sulking out of the building with a simple nod to the clerk at the reception desk that her room is now free. She exits, turns and trudges down the street, eyes fixed on nothing as she weaves through the foot traffic, heading toward the nearest Vine on autopilot.

    "If only Noire was there..."