Holly, The Other Reindeer

Christmas was only a few days and things were abuzz at Columbia University. Holly had been keeping to herself the past few weeks. The only time she left her room for classes and meals. Even Rue couldn't help to be a bit concerned at this point. She was standing over Holly who was stretched out on her bed and looking up at the ceiling

"Okay, I'm supposed to be the brooding loner and you're supposed to be the gleeful idiot. Otherwise it gets too depressing around here. It's almost Christmas and you should be running around like a little kid on a sugar rush," the older witch was trying to cheer her roommate up and failing.

"What's the point? I can't protect those I care about, Serrah's still part vampire because of me, I haven't been able to keep my promise to Servis and Lavaux, the black hole keeps getting bigger, Lumeria is still a frog, and I can't even cast a simple spell right!" Holly was doing her best not to cry at this point.

"You haven't let that stop you before. Besides you're actually doing something about all those things. That's more than most people would do. You can't say that if you keep moping around there though. Let me handle that." Rue placed a hand on Holly's shoulder but she wasn't trying to show her too much affection.

"But what can I do? I could go my entire life without becoming a great witch! No wonder elves are so talented at magic; they have a lot longer to master it!" She lowered her purple eyes a bit upon feeling the hand on her shoulder, "Wow, I must sound down if you're being nice to me, Rue." She quickly pulled her hand away with that.

"I thought you of all people wouldn't let death stop you from being a great witch," The elf did her best to conceal the faint hint of a smile.

"I have to do it while I'm still alive! Otherwise, I'll move onto the next life if I accomplish my goals if I'm a ghost," she explained to Rue as she sat up.

"Well, you might have to become an elf to live long enough for that to happen. You might be at it for a few hundred years. Maybe you can ask Chrysanthemum Kringle about it," Rue knew that bringing her up would get Holly stirring.

"The Christmas witch? I'm a Halloween witch and that goes against everything that I stand for!" Holly actually looked a bit offended about the thought as there was a sudden knock at the door. Rue opened the door to reveal a young blonde woman in red and white standing in front of them.

"Well, you can tell that to her in-person but it might not be the best time to do so," Rue couldn't help but to snark a bit at the situation. Holly stood up and couldn't but to gulp a bit.

"Holly, I know this might not be the best time but I need a huge favor. I crashed my sled and Rudolph sprained his ankle. He's going to have stay off it for a few weeks. You're pretty strong and can fly, with your hair so bright can you pull my sleigh Christmas night?" Chrysanthemum couldn't help but to burst out into song a-bit as she said that.

"Well, let's see you both hang out with ghosts, give kids gifts and are normally overly joyful. I'm not really seeing much of a difference between you two," Rue looked back and forth between the pair.

"I suppose...what if someone sees me though? No one will take me seriously as the Halloween witch again!" Holly was still concerned about her image.

"No one takes you seriously now. If you're really that concerned though, a bit of my magic and you'll grow antlers and be covered in fur," Rue had a huge smirk on her face as she said that.

Holly couldn't help to gulp again at Rue's idea but Chrysanthemum was smiling.