After Action

    "You let it be taken? Do you realized just how dangerous these artifacts are?" Machiavelli says, pacing before the young Assassin before him. "At least it wasn't the Apple, or one of the other greater pieces."

    "Tell me, Maestro, how would /you/ retrieve something from a being made of fine dust who is capable of shifting their form at will, and level the power of the sun itself into explosive projectiles?" shoots back the Initiate, squaring up her shoulders and locking eyes with the Master. "I believe it safer in Emily's hands than ours, at least for now."

    Machiavelli frowns, searching Piera's eyes briefly before sighing and making a dismissive gesture. "Return to your duties. Your next target is The Seeker. He has been spotted visiting one of the Borgia emissaries in Venice. Kill him, and bring back his spear... we believe it is at least partly made from the Lance of Longinus... another artifact." he says. giving a very serious look.

    "Be. Very. Careful of this weapon. Call for the allies you have made if you must, but retrieve the artifact. Do not fail. Now go."
    Piera presses a fist to her chest, bows slightly. "Safety and Peace to you, Maestro." she says as she then turns to leave.