Heartbreak Hotel

The smell of citrus flooded the nostrils of anyone who entered the hotel room. Even Shield-Maiden who was used to her own stench noticed the odor. The young knight had gathered baskets of oranges, lemon, limes and any other fruits she might help keeping Baroness Spider at bay.

Sybil was outstretched on one of the beds doing her best to stay awake. "I'm not sure if I should tell you the bad news or not," Shel weighted her options to her queen.

"Tell me..." Sybil faintly whispered as she turned in bed.

"I found more of Baroness Spider's victims on Angel Island along with Dr.Mendel who's still alive, unfortunately. He was taken into custody by Benedicta and her friends, sorry I figured it would be best not to try and stop them," The girl knew that Sybil would be disappointed by that.

"Don't worry about it; maybe you should join the rabbit and her friends. I can't keep you safe. "I'm not strong enough. I'm a terrible leader."

"I can't leave you my queen, I swore my loyalty to you," The knight kneeled before the bed as a gesture to show that. "Besides, I failed to protect you, if I hadn't gone to Mass..."

"It's part of who you are. Besides I know you look forward to it, it must be hard not being able to enjoy most things. I guess I shouldn't complain what Heartbreaker Moth did to me was temporary, you must feel this way all the time." Sybil forced herself onto her feet. "I wonder if she survived the fall, you knocked her out the window pretty hard." She managed to faintly smile at that.

"Does this mean the effects are starting to wear off? And I feel out of place at times, I've been this way a lot longer than I was alive." The girl couldn't help to admit.

"Maybe a bit, I don't think I can transform or anything yet," the teenager grabbed one of the oranges and peeled it before taking a bite. 'I guess, I'm going to need you around a while longer."

The knight reached out and embraced her in a hug.