This is our Way. Our Creed.

The Rogue Shadow dropped the rescued children off outside of Florence, a stronghold of the Assassin Brotherhood, fifty parentless orphans, who would have been sent to only god knows where if they hadn't been rescued by The Mandalorian, Blackout and the others from Templar clutches. Piera is there to meet the starship as it lands, with a group of like-clad people, and some women who are obviously of a rather risque nature.

    "We will take good care of these little ones." says the leader, a tanned woman in purple dress, raven black hair and an air of regality despite being a Courtesan. "Come bambini, let us get you some new clothes."

    One hangs back, looking at the ship as it lifts off and flies back to orbit. Little Amanda L'rane, a fighter, one of the few brave enough to stand up tp to her captors and fight for her freedom looks conflicted, until Piera steps forward and kneels in front of her. Wordless, the Assassin places a hand on the girl's head, and smiles. "You want to be strong enough to protect people, yes?"

    "Si signora, like the man in the metal mask."

    "I can help teach you, but it will be a very long, and hard road. Your name will also never be known to those you save."

    "That's okay. If they know they were helped by someone, they will help another later... that is reward enough for me."

    "A very altruistic outlook for one so young... come then. The Liberation of Italia begins now."

    Piera stands, offers a hand to the girl, and guides her in a different direction than the others going with the courtesans. "The Brotherhood grows..." She glances skyward. "... This is the Way, indeed my friend."