Checking Up

Halfway through ship's night, Juno dozes in the pilot's chair. One arm leans on the armrest to prop her head up as the other dangles from the other armrest. Pale blonde hair spills unbound over her shoulders, still damp from showering. Silver frosts the locks at her temples. Her eyes are barely open, red-rimmed, but she doesn't need to see the instruments to watch them. With the ship on autopilot, there's nothing to do but listen and doze.

She's just thinking about giving up and going to bed when a red light flashes. Slowly, her eyes track to it. It's the communications array. After half a second of blank staring she pulls herself upright, raking fingers through her hair in an effort to look presentable.

Commodore Yat-de Viedas, she expects, or Captain Nitram. The latter proves the case when the Bothan's small figure unfolds, a tiny blue hologram floating over the pilot's console. He waves.

"General Eclipse."

"Captain Nitram." Her mouth twists, fondly. "How's my old ship treating you these days?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary, sir. We'll catch up later. Not here to talk to you. Someone else is. Oh, don't forget, you still owe me two hundred credits from those Boonta Eve Classic bets--"

Juno scowls even as a taller figure gently shuffles Nitram out of the broadcast. The figure revealed is a familiar one, and even in the blue hologram, Juno recognises Leia Organa's tired smile.

"General Organa." That's unexpected.

"Juno. I hope this isn't a bad time?"

"I always have time for you." Juno tips her head. "What can I do for you today?"

"I'd like you to report back to the Salvation. I have orders for you once you do." The tiny figure of Leia eyed the former Imperial. "How are you and your ship holding up?"

"The ship needs a little work, but I'm fine." A familiar lie.

The tiny holographic Leia smiles patiently, as though she has all the time in the world. "Want to try again, and tell me how you're really holding up, Juno?"

"If I could blame the First Order for arthritis, I would." Heaving a sigh, the former Imperial shakes her head. Her shrug is weary; her smile wan. "We've been doing this for a long time, haven't we...?"

"Have you considered retiring that ship? Swapping her out for something easier to maintain?"

"Absolutely not. The Rogue Shadow is one-of-a-kind."

They both know the real reason.

"Fair enough." Leia decides not to press the issue today, and Juno lets out a silent breath of relief she hadn't realised she was holding. Dodged a blaster bolt. "I want you to report to Captain Nitram aboard the Salvation. Overhaul your ship. Get some rest. I'll contact you again with your next orders once you've had a chance to rendezvous."

"I'm ready now."

"That isn't a request, Juno," Leia says gently. "That's an order."

Juno frowns. The temptation to argue is strong, but she tightens her jaw. "Excellent." She tries not to let it sound too sour.

"One more thing. I want you to report to sickbay while you're here, too."

So much for dodging the blaster bolt.

"That's an order, General Eclipse." Leia carries on without pause. So coolly spoken; so matter-of-fact. "Nitram has orders to report back to me. I'll know if you don't."

Juno sighs silently through her teeth.

How am I supposed to argue with that?

Juno snaps off a razor-sharp salute to the hologram. "Yes, ma'am."

I can't.