A New Queen is Crowned

"So what did you have to show me in this rundown place? I swear that digging through old buildings is part of being a Cabal leader." Sybil sounded a bit annoyed as she made her way through the rundown warehouse with Shield-Maiden. "I forgot how difficult it was to do anything without any powers." She was clearly a bit fatigued from all the travelling the pair had been doing while they were on the run.

"I just hope Uncle Slug didn't beat us here. Then again I'm not quite sure what he would do with it." Shield-Maiden stared at the locked door with the keypad before fumbling with it a bit. The words "Access Denied" appeared where the numbers were previously displayed. "Could you open it please? I have problems with technology sometimes. The code is "06032012". The girl looked down as she repeated the numbers.

Sybil more gracefully entered the code and the words "Access Granted" popped up as the door made a loud clicking sound. She slowly pulled it open struggling with the door a bit. Once it was open it revealed a dusty closet with a full suit of armor inside. It was different from the set Shield-Maiden and much more modernized. The armor was clear for some with a feminine figure crossed with that of a wasp but had been heavily damaged. There were several tears and it was clear previous wearer had been dealt a fatal blow. One of the wings had been separated from the rest of the armor.

"I think I can fix it, but it'll likely take months for me to do so. I know that's time we don't have right now. I don't know how effective it'll be currently either. It was designed for someone who can control metal," Shield-Maiden figured that Sybil would be disappointed in her. Instead, Sybil gently pat Shel on the shoulder. Suddenly, her cellphone started ringing, "Flight of the Bumblebees". The teenager checked the caller ID before answering it.

"Hey Rabbit, good timing I need to talk to one of your friends but I don't have her number. The girl in the Hexblade outfit." Sybil clarified who was she was asking for.

"That's Aurelia. You need to remove the seal now. I talked to Mendel about and if it doesn't come off, I could go berserk like Lizzie. If that's the case, guess who I'll likely come after first?" Benedicta could be heard from the other end of the phone.

"Oh no, Little Bene Foo Foo is going to come after me. I'm so scared...and what makes you think it was my idea? Funny, that Dr.Worm told you that because it was his plan to begin with." Sybil couldn't help but to smirk and wished she could see the look on Benedicta's face right now.

"That bastard...okay Benedicta stay calm, Shield-Maiden told me she couldn't remove it without great cost to herself. Is the only way for it to come off is for her to move onto the next life?" She sounded rather hesitant as she said that.

"I don't think that's the case. It sounds like we have a deal. If Aurelia can fix what I found, I'll have Shel remove the seal. I'll call you later with more details, oh and don't think about having your friends try anything or try to drag me back to Beacon," Sybil made the terms of the deal clear before disconnecting. She then began to put on the suit of wasp armor as Shield-Maiden helped her fit into it.

"Not bad, once I get this fixed and my powers back, Baroness Spider will bow before the Hornet Queen!" Sybil's eyes glowed before turning a dark shade of yellow along with her hair and she shook her head a bit before making another declaration, "No, she won't bow before Hornet Queen, she'll bow before Wasp Queen! I have been reborn! Come on, Shield-Maiden let's go play a game of Metal Wasp to celebrate!" She had a huge grin on her face as she said that.

"Welcome back, Lady Metal."