Eagle Rising

    Italy, Rome, 1505, early spring.

    "This is highly unorthodox! The girl I could understand, she has the spark, but this... Automoton!?" Machiavelli is unimpressed, as the Raptias floats in the air beside Piera, both with their arms folded over their chests.

    Leonadro Da Vinci is huddled over some plans on a nearby bench, offering a distracted-seeming. "She is willing and capable. We both saw what she can do."

    "IT. IT is not worth our time to train!"

    "Maestro. Your feelings on this matter are duely noted, however she has proven to have the spark also... and is our Creed so inflexible that only humans may benefit?" asks Piera.

    The Maestro pauses in his tirade, looking at the Servitor curiously, then seems to collect himself. "You are correct, fine; though we cannot furnish you with the arms and armour of our other Initiates... and your size makes you less suited to more direct conflicts... Ah!" Machiavelli looks over to Da Vinci. "Messiere Da Vinci, could yo--" "Already done, my friend. Come look, all I need is some materials and I can have these crafted within the week."

    The plans are displayed, a miniature Hidden Blade, and even a refitted suit of armour for the Shinki. "It would not be compatable with your... what did you call it, Slipway?"

    The Raptias nods, "That's easily fixed... MMS sells install chips that can be fitted to most things to make them compatable... it's how Custom-types are made, after all."

    That getes an awkward pause, before Machiavelli speaks up. "Well, good. Though we don't have anything to call you."

    The Raptias ponders for a moment. "The name my Master gave me... doesn't suit me anymore. I don't deserve it... You can call me;" she looks up, at Da Vinci, at Machiavelli, the finally, Piera. "Aquila."

    The three nod in appreciation. "Very well Aquila. You shall now be Piera's partner. You are now Brothers, look after each other, and uphold the Creed."

    The three Assassins bow, the two humans exchanging the refrain, "Safety and Peace." before the group breaks up and goes their separate ways.