
Holly could hear the sounds of debate as she entered the kitchen. The witch had a puzzled look on her face as she tried to piece together what was being talked about.

"We should tell her, she's bound to find out sooner or later. Besides she's an adult now, she has a right to know! Maybe there's someone who can help her. I certainly couldn't..." A masculine voice's tone turned from fiery to dejected. She turned her head to see the familiar face sat the table with a huge breakfast in front of him.

"Harold, you'll just drive her off again. Though I have to admit I'm a bit worried myself...Holly...how much of that did you hear?" Her mother quickly changed subject as she realized her daughter was present. She sounded colder than her husband but was clearly concerned.

"Dad, I'm so happy to see you! I missed you so much!" Holly lifted her father out of the chair as she hugged him. "I'm sorry about the wall; I wasn't expecting you to get so upset..." She quickly forgot about the earlier conversation as her joy turned to sadness.

"Don't worry about it; I know I get carried away sometime. Holly, while I'm glad to see you it's not safe for you here. I was hoping you wouldn't return. We'll always love you of course, but it's not safe here. He did his best to hug Holly back as she dangled him in the air before setting him back down in the chair. Harold straightened his long red beard to keep him from going into his breakfast.

"So if it's not safe for us here, we can just move somewhere else right? I mean the world I'm going to college on might not be the best choice with the black hole and everything but I'm pretty sure there are plenty of nice worlds out there!" The witch took a seat next to her father at the table as her mother served her a stack of chocolate-chip Belgium waffles.

"Holly, it's not that simple but your mother should be the one to explain." Harold cleared the air for Heleen to speak.

"As a Dark Empath, I tend to skirt the boundary between life and death. That's not a problem on this world, but on others the rules tend to differ. As a result I might pass into the afterlife if I attempt to visit them." The woman frowned hating to have to disappoint Holly further.

"Holly doesn't seem to have that problem and you seem to be hesitant when Lavaux brought up her birth. I hate to be rude miss, but is there a detail I'm missing here?" Servis finally spoke up after being previously silent.

"That's right! Wait, you were talking about telling me something earlier...am I adopted? " Holly suddenly remembered that her parents would hiding something from her. "I mean it doesn't matter to me, I consider you my real parents but it would explain a few things." There were a few things that didn't add up for her.

"That's because you inherited your magic from your father thankfully, and while it's difficult for a Dark Empath and a wizard to have children it certainly is possible." Her mother clarified the situation for Holly.

"Is that's why my magic is so unpredictable?" The witch was starting to realize the truth as more details came in.

"Holly, you could be the most powerful mage or incapable of using magic completely. It wouldn't change how your mother and I feel. We'll do everything we can to help you but if you truly want to be a great witch it would be best if you did so elsewhere."

The normally vocal caster grew silent but the pair of ghosts floated over her shoulders in a sign of support.