Serrah Goes AWOL

    "... blowing it sky-high. I want to handle this as quietly as possible, although I know some of you are constitutionally incapable of it ..."

    In the form of a blonde Corellian woman, Serrah listens to Juno's message, and grimaces. She ... knows she signed on for this. She knows she signed on for it. It's the whole reason she conjured up this damn leather jacket and bet on a few pod races in Port Pixelito in the first place. She even made sure she got a good night's sleep last night! But something's bugging her now that wasn't before.

    Serrah is no stranger to death. Apart from anything else, she's been dead before. But she's gotten into fights where others have fought and died. Sure, she'd never personally killed anyone living, because just doing so once would have drained her humanity enough that she couldn't have resurrected, and even now that she's alive again, she just hasn't kicked the habit of not killing people. But it didn't bother her, even towards the beginning.

    During the mission to stop the Originium smugglers, for example, she had the excuse that she was after the cargo. She could simply shove aside enemies who weren't strong enough to even slow her down, and if the pirate captain wanted to shoot people, or Dante stabbed an enemy swordsman, that was their lookout. Serrah, all in all, is not someone who believes that there should be a way to save everyone's lives. She's not a hero after all, jeez! But nevertheless ...

    The mental image of that void-reaper in Aurelia's world looms in her mind. It's a mental image she can't shake.

    "If I set up a damn bomb, I will personally be responsible for the death of whoever doesn't get out in time," she mutters to herself. "Stormtroopers, officers ... space Nazis ..."

    Just knowing that the First Order employs people like Gideon, whom she hasn't met but who managed to managed to scare Hyouka of all people ... helps. She's not gonna get in the mission's way. This fact completely fails to get the mental image of Ulaht out of her mind.

    Serrah sighs. She sometimes disappears from Hyouka's apartment for a day or two at a time, but now she realizes she hasn't actually been home since the encounter.

    She turns around, and without telling anyone what she's doing, she storms off towards the nearest Vine out of Malastare.