From Zero (1/2)


Adam's hand pushes through the rubble that has fallen on top of him. His forehead's bleeding, his face is bruised but he's trying and failing to actually get himself out from underneath the broken pillar that's crushing him.

The land around the Palace of Eternia has seen many better days. There is a fierce battle going on and it does not look good for those that have been known as the heroic Warriors. They are trying very hard to hold the line against the Evil Warriors that have been sent to keep them ever so busy.


There's that voice again. Adam opens one eye as he tries to peer through the violence that's happening all around him. He can barely make out the image of a hawk, a hawk that seems to be staring at him across the battlefield. Again, Adam tries to push himself out of the rubble but he's just not strong enough. It's no use.

Blurred and hazy vision allows Adam the opportunity to watch helplessly as the Heroic Warriors are systematically driven back towards the broke palace walls. His father, King Randor, fighting valiantly alongside his mother, Queen Marlena, as they protect their home with every last ounce of their strength.

Adam reaches out futilely, his bloodied hand dropping to the ground as he starts to lose consciousness.


Until Cringer's jaws attach themselves to Adam's wrist and the fearless loyalty of his feline friend drags the Prince of Eternia from the rubble. Cringer rolls Adam up and onto his back and the barely conscious Adam can only groan, "Grayskull." into his friend's ear. As if to punctuate the point, that hawk screeches as it divebombs past Cringer's head and takes flight. Cringer races after it and, more importantly, away from the battlefield.

Orko trails behind with a patented, "W-w-wait for me!"

Man-At-Arms spots the escape attempt and blasts harder at the Evil Warriors to keep their attention away from Eternia's Only Hope. Teela also sees Prince Adam running away like the coward he is and scowls. Oh she scowls.