After the ruins

    Uni moves through the precious few people that were pulled from the rubble that was once their home. Those who escaped mostly unscathed have enough medicine to take the edge off their pain, and are then asked to help tend to those more gravely wounded. Most of them seem eager to be useful, looking to the Goddess to give them purpose. It almost makes her smile, but then she sees a woman crying over the lifeless body of a younger man. She kneels, placing a hand on the woman's shoulder and just stays there quietly as the woman releases her grief.

    Uni moves on, after assuring the woman that those who did this will be brought to justice; whether by sword, or by pen it matters not. Echos of this carry across the field of wounded, mothers and fathers mourning their children, young children left all alone as their parents gave their own lives to save theirs.

    "Whoever did this will pay, a thousandfold." she says to noone in particular.

    (Mood Music: )