Guard Duty (1)

    "Yumi Tachibana, I have a job for you."

    The voice of Vulpes ex Machina is unexpected enough that Yumi just about jumps out of her skin. She doesn't exactly flail, but she's very fortunate that there's no pencil mark across her summer homework.

    "...not like you to just show up on me like this," she says, turning at her desk to face the clockwork Guardian of Natsuto. "And I thought I already had a job from you. I seem to remember you wanting me to focus on nothing else, in fact." There's no real disdain to her tone, but she's not going to miss a chance to needle Vulpes a little. Whatever this is, it's important enough for him to approach her, even knowing how much she dislikes him. He must be a tad desperate.

    Sure enough, the fox cants his head with a faint whir of gears, and answers directly rather then attempt to butt heads with her. "It is related to the extermination of youma, in no small degree, and it is a task which only the strongest and most experienced senshi are suited-"

    Yumi holds up a hand. "Don't bother with the flattery. Just tell me about the job." However, Vulpes shakes his head. "There is no flattery involved. I am trying to impart the gravity of this task. There are fewer than ten senshi in all of Japan whom I would entrust with this, and only two of them are close by."

    The redhead glances out the window, across Natsuto, towards a particular high-rise. If she's number one, then she can guess at number two. "So why didn't you ask Elizabeth? She out of town?" She can't see Vulpes resorting to asking her if the Guardians' errand girl is available, so-

    "I did. She will be assisting you."

    That grinds Yumi's thoughts to a halt, and she takes a second to process. He did? In other words, whatever this is, it's big enough to warrant both her and Elizabeth.

    Any thought she had of giving the Guardian a hard time vanishes. Yumi leans forward a little in her chair, lacing fingers together. Her expression is serious, businesslike. "Alright, I'm listening."

    To his credit, Vulpes ex Machina doesn't adopt a smug tone. For once. "You will be protecting someone."