A Vision, a Letter

    One of a Jedi's most important traits is self-reflection. One must be able to honestly judge one's own shortfalls; to recognize one's own errors. To stubbornly refuse to acknowledge a lapse in judgment or a lack of foresight is a form of pride, and a stain on harmony between beings besides. By the time they achive the rank of Master, this self-reflection is often automatic, swift, and unflinching.

    When Lian Kamoya opens her eyes, surfacing from her meditation deep in the cargo hold of an airship somewhere on the Tree, the words leave her mouth almost before she realizes she's speaking them.

    "...I've made a grave error."


    In the next day or two, a letter is delivered to the High Heavens, addressed directly to Imperius.

    'To the Archangel Imperius,

    'I am Lian Kamoya, the Jedi Master from the battle around the Worldstone. I hope that this letter finds you in better health, your wounds steadily recovering. I wish that I were writing with better news after our altercation, but I am afraid that this is a letter of warning.

    'The power on which I draw will sometimes grant me visions of the future. It has seen fit to warn me that our intended plan to seal both Azmodan and the lesser demon in one fragment will fail. If we do so, Azmodan will break free, stronger than before, just as we feared.

    'It is my intention that, when our group meets next, I will inform them of my vision, and suggest that instead we free and then slay Azmodan. I deeply regret that we will not be able to remove him from your world indefinitely, as we had planned; but at the very least, we can buy you some time in slaying him, and by sending this letter I have given you time to prepare. I can only hope that will be enough to mitigate his return.

        Lian Kamoya.'