Captain's Log 2997, 3621.1

    After being rerouted to a version of Centria, common designation 'Earth' by the World Tree once again, deployment of a Type-93 Urban Contact unit was deemed necessary to explore the local terrain and ascertain why we were brought there.

    It didn't take long to encounter fairy-like creatures, which Minerva tells me are called D-Fairies, and a local hostile phenomena, known as 'Specter Spawn'. An unknown person followed a large elephant-like creature out of an alleyway, and while we successfully dispatched the entity, the person escaped.

    I am currently recovering from Second Degree Projection Feedback on my arms, lower torso and legs from the battle... use of my Magic through the Projection left me much closer to the fight than anticipated and while the feedback loop prevented any major damage from bleeding through, I will be out of action for a few days while the wounds heal and my soul recovers.

    I have informed LineFleet Command, and have flagged this world as worthy of a proper first contact, and offers of aid.