Whistling Kettle

    The last thing Anna Primrose wanted to do was return to the stuffy confines of the castle. She sighed in despair at the mere thought of it and grimaced without realizing.
    Life in the castle was, to say the least... Boring as hell. It was a slow death by pure misery that she hated to the point of wanting to scream. Of course screaming being improper and unladylike behavior would not be tolerated.
    That's what she hated the most, perhaps. That she always had to be a proper lady on her best behavior. This is what every lesson in etiquette and propriety had drilled into her since she was old enough to remember anything, and she loathed it with slow simmering passion. The need to be a perfect lady, for the sake of others, to her, was prepostrous. She did not want to be some precious doll for the nobility to fawn upon and coddle, it only frustrated her all the more! Worst of all were the disapproving looks of her tutors and the chastising remarks for even the slightest of mistakes.
    She didn't realize how terrifying of a face she had been making until one of her 'captors' wandered by.
    "That sure is a mean scowl, princess." The goblin hunter said, chuckling as he leaned on his spear.
    "Oh hush." Anna shot back at him in perfect goblin tongue. "I was just thinking of going back to the castle."
    "And how much you hate it, right?" The goblin finished the thought for her.
    She nodded glumly.
    They both stood there for a long silent moment before the hunter spoke again.
    "Listen, princess. It doesn't take a skilled hunter to see that you like being an honorary goblin more than you do being a human princess. You're one of our best trackers, you love the freedom, you love the tribe- just as much as we love you, kid." He said. "But you're way too angry sometimes."
    This. This made Anna blink, dumb and confused for a beat.
    "We can all see it, you know. How you keep it pent up inside. It ain't healthy. We know you hate going back to the castle, but it's where you really belong. The tribe hates it every time you leave us, but we know one day you won't be coming back, and you'll have to take your place among your noble-type folks."
    "... And if I don't want to do that?" She asked.
    "They'll probably make you, regardless of what you want, princess." The hunter said, looking just as morose. "Anyway listen... Try and let go of all that anger. It won't do you any good holding on to it. It'll just hurt you and others around you if you keep it all bottled in. 'Cause when that bottle breaks, shards go everywhere."
    "Mm. I'll try and remember that." She replied, outwardly numb, but feeling the snarl of frustration only grow more powerful from where it hid in the secret place behind her heart. The last thing she wanted was to lose her freedom and never see her beloved tribe again. But it felt like that day was coming closer and closer. And she hated that even more.