Secret Meeting

Not long after the meeting with Garo, Nagan sauntered into a hidden chamber. Producing a holocomm, he activated it and laid it on the nearby table. "My master...we've confirmed Talia Kyras's presence on Balmorra." He said, head bowed reverently as he knelt.

    The face on the hologram was hidden underneath a hood, but Nagan could see the grimacing scowl of Darth Angither all the same, yellowish eyes staring at him from the darkness of his hood. "Then she aids the resistance, as do her new allies. The Jedi Master, the Mandalorian, the Eudaemon and others..." Angither's voice was a deep rasp, like a wolf had learned to speak. He growled softly. "Killing Kyras will solve little so long as we search for the Holocron. If she has it, acquire it at all costs. It will bring us to the next step in our plans. Does Garo suspect you yet?"

    Nagan shook his head. "No, my master. He is skeptical of our troops. The casualties at the Foundry were considerable. The Warden is dead, as are three dozen of the men we trained. On the plus side, they proved to be difficult to defeat through broken morale as promised. Our methods are showing some results."

    "Bah. Claudius Garo is a weak-willed imbecile. This entire planet is but a testing ground of our conditioning methods, there will be other worlds to supply us with men and resources." Angither hissed. "Talia Kyras's life is irrelevant, only that we find the holocron. Once we do, she may be terminated...or perhaps she can join her little friend." A smile crept across Angither's scarred lips, a cold and cruel expression as the gears turned in the Sith Lord's head. "Remain servile and follow Garo's commands for the time being."

    Nagan smirked. "Of course my lord...he suspects me to be nothing more than a mere go-between. I'd like to keep it that way for now."

    "One more thing, Nagan; Kyras's allies...see what you can do to find out intelligence about them. They might be an unneeded wrinkle in our plans. Start with the Eudaemon. She seems to have it out for Garo personally. Perhaps she might be an asset, whether she knows it or not. The other Jedi Master...she might be a threat to us as well. She won't be as malleable to us than an impressionable knight in name only."

    "Of course, my lord. We'll give her a wide berth unless we have the jump on her." Nagan nodded. He was no fool. Lian Kamoya might've been a Jedi out of time, but she was a very real threat...the damned Jedi weren't supposed to be out here, meddling.

    Once the conversation ended, Nagan returned to his duties, and began to organize some calls. He was going to need some guys...