Captain's Personal Log 2997 3862.1

    The white-haired half-elf sits in her quarters, thumbing a datastick, before plugging it into the console. "Minerva, begin dictation." the AI pings affirmative, and Justina begins speaking. "Captain's Personal log, we just received word of the attack on Proxima Carybdis. Captain J'Alt'ak was a good friend of my parents, almost like an uncle to me." she chuckles dryly, touching a couple of buttons and bringing up pictures of a scarred orc ruffling an 8 year old Justina, while a tall human laughs nearby. "It seems he finally found his 'Glorious End'... may you find further glory in the Blood Fields, you old greenskin."

    Leaning back in her chair, the half-elf spins around. "Minerva detected a CEF-distress signal nearby... We are diverting our course to investigate, though the signal is outside of the Comm bouy network. As a precaution, we have alerted LineFleet, and our Tree-based allies of our plans, and to investigate if we don't reestablish contact within a standard week. I have a bad feeling about this, but as per LineFleet protocols, all distress calls must be investigated."

    Justina stands, shrugs out of her coat and pads over to the bed, flopping out on it. "I wonder what's going through Demeter's processor, after the incident that drove her to this." she sighs again. "End Log, dim lights to one-third standard lux... goodnight, Minerva."

    Minerva chimes affirmative, <"Goodnight, Captain. I will wake you if anything requires your attention.">