
     The supposed Grandmaster lay dead, large wounds in his throat from the Post-Human's mantis blades. "He should have a medallion! The Grandmaster supposedly has a golden medallion that can sway the weak willed." Piera had said, while rifling through the dead-man's belongings.

    She found no medallion, nor did she find any Templar iconography, not even a signet ring. "... This was just a decoy." she finishes, climbing up the side of a building to evade the guards coming to investigate the commotion, meeting up with Aquila a few hundred yards away in a back-alley. "But, The Grandmaster could only have been in that group, we had eyes everywhere in the city..." the human's brow furrows, while Aquila goes over her sensor logs, running them on a holographic screen in fastforward that only the robot can keep up with.

    Suddenly the image stops, focusses in on a glint of gold, then pans up, to show the man with the big feather in his cap. "They dressed up one of the guards as the target... we were so focussed on the obvious, we completely ignored the other possibilities." says the Shinki, turning to look toward the direction of the Vatican. "And now he's surrounded by the most elite guards in Italy..."

    Piera shakes her head. "Il Mentore managed to get in, so can we... besides, we have help he never had access to." the pair exchange looks, then blend into the moving crowd of people in the gathering darkness.