Velveteen Soul

Benedicta arrived back at her apartment late at night. It had been a month since the soulfire incident where toys had been given a life of their own. While she hadn?t been present when the chaos had started; word had quickly spread through Beacon Society. As a result she was still hunting down the occasional one trying to start trouble.

She had managed to spend Thankgsiving with her family and friends without incident though. She felt stuffed and a bit out of it after devouring several huge meals. She was certainly going to have to get some exercise tomorrow.

The teenager tried to turn the lights on only to find that they no longer functioned. She squinted and could make out faintly through the darkness that the apartment had been trashed. Shelves had ripped from the wall and books were scattered across the floor. Benedicta stood there in complete fear wondering how someone could have got inside while the door was locked. Even as a human her hearing was sharp enough to faintly make out someone growing closer. She tried to step back towards the front door to flee but she was blinded by a glowing yellow light before she could get very far.

She shielded her eyes while she heard a raspy voice speaking up. "Give it back", it resembled hers but there was something horribly wrong with it. Her body shook with even more fear as she felt a pair of fur covered hands wrap themselves around her neck. She tried to use her own hands to attempt to pry the unfamiliar fingers free but was easily overpowered. Benedicta could feel her body stiffen before everything turned dark as her vision.