Morrigan's Notes: The Dream Eater

It started with a job request posted by a young lady by the name of Dunwich. Apparently her local band of young sleuths were out of town and she had to rely on outside intervention to investigate a series of not so innocuous accidents in the town of Welville, USA. As it so happened, when a prior mayor of the town had resingned due to the polio-related death of his daughter, passed away was when the incidents began to occur. A posse was assembled, consisting of the mountain king dwarf Muradin Bronzebeard, plucky young protagonist-kun type boy Emiya Shirou, mahou shoujo ranged DPS Misaki Sakai, a space monk named Lian Kamoya, dragon juicer Valerian Railton, blue space vixen Krystal, and myself, and we set off.

Our initial investigation of the mayor's old house bore fruit when we discovered a hidden basement where the mayor had been performing blood sacrifices. With a little investigation around his work space, we were able to learn that he was able to summon some kind of extra-planar being in order to give his daughter a peaceful death rather than let her suffer, but that the entity desired to remain after the girl's death. This would plague the mayor to his dying day, as he had to continually make blood sacrifices to it to keep it contained in the space under his home. Turns out after he died, with no one to make these sacrifices anymore... It was able to escape.

So we turned our investigation to the town. Posing expertly as a squad of OSHA investigators, we went to the town's elevator manufacturing facility, where accidents had been increasing by the day. On arrival we had learned that most, if not all, of the workers there save for one guy named Ray had been suffering from levels of exhaustion, causing accidents to spike. It was something that the lead man there said that had stuck out to me...

"Now that you mention it, no. I can't think of the last time I had a nightmare. Or a good dream, now that I think of that. I don't always dream but it's been a good few weeks."

Following Krystal's intuition, we spent the next day exploring the town in search of the source. Running into listless and exhausted children, we discovered that the brunt of the psychic emanations she had been feeling were coming from under the local school. And judging from the sheer crush of students being funneled out of classes and the local authorities in the school building something had already happened: a janitor had been phsyically attacked.

Making our way into the basement of the school we discovered a series of living caves and insectoid creatures under the sewer system and resolved to come back when more prepared. Finally the mountain king, magical girl, blue space babe, Jedi master, and I infiltrated the caverns.

It was rough, fighting our way through the winding and cramped tunnels, but apparently the closer we got to the heart of the creature the more visions we started to see. Dreamlike visions of monsters, kids flying, a boy caught in his underwear in class, a girl studying on the beach, as the creature attempted to feed on us, but could not as we weren't asleep. This was when we realized the nature of the creature we had been seeking the whole time, and managed to finally kill while it tried to tear us limb from limb with its insectoid legions.

We went drinking afterwards to celebrate. Never try and outdrink a mountain king, it's not worth the hangover the next day.

Days later, we learned that while a child had gone missing, it was simply because she had seen one of the insect-like creatures that the being had control over, and hid. The only real casualty was the janitor that was attacked that day at the school, who is now in a coma. For the most part, I believe Welville will recover entirely from this incident without issue, and our activities here, what we saw, did, and everything that happened will fall into the realm of urban legends that no one gives any stock to. As such things should be, for some things should not ever come to light lest the realizations that come with them drive lesser folk mad.