
"Captain's Log, Supplemental." began Justina, dropping into the chair on the bridge as the Sanctuary drew away from the LineFleet starbase. "Resupply and repairs have been completed at LineBase 87 in Gamma Reticulii, the salvage crew also arrived a week ago with what remained of the Scylla. The crew managed to recover one of the XE-MI Interceptor Dolls from the hulk, and after a thorough scrub of its AI and systems, and a retrofit to work with the AP-Rig as an Ur-Doll, the unit has been assigned to the Sanctuary for field trials."

    The ship unfolds its Radials, preparing to dip into Linespace, its engines spooling up with a growing thrum. "We are setting course for Omicron Delta Aleph to perform field trials on the XE-MI unit, and hopefully find fixes for the very glaring flaws in the original design... despite being so powerful it was limited by the technology of the era, so I am hopeful we can ressurect the frame for more hostile environments, as it does hold great promise in terms of survivability and resistance to radiation in particular."

    The ship 'dipped' and the viewscreen filled with the whorling expanse of Linespace. "End Log."