Encounter at Jigraad

"Captain's log, 2997, 3894.2. Enroute to field test the recovered XE-MI Doll, we encountered a Vine that drew us into a recently connected world. A Code-Black distress signal caught Minerva's attention, and we diverted to investigate. Arriving at the location, we encountered local space forces, and a disabled 'Frigate', though the dimensions put it closer in line with a Long Range Scout in LineFleet nomenclature." Justina shifts in her chair, cradling a mug of something hot as she hooks her legs over one arm, and leans against the other. "Using this opportunity, I decided to do a trial of the recovered Doll frame aboard the ship. Others from out-verse were present, arriving not long after the Sanctuary did via local spacefleet transport. Together, we investigated the disabled ship, finding it having suffered some kind of boarding action, the culprits were evidently still aboard, rifling through the cargobay and waiting to ambush local forces. They did not anticipate us."

    The half-elf shifts, leans back a bit more and pops her spine just so. "Initial combat trial confirmed the anti-radiation capabilities of installed reflective plates, analysis of the composition is ongoing, but it is highly doubtful it can be fabricated via onboard matter synthisizers. The frame itself is capable of 'shifting' into a combat mode reminiscent of a predators stalking; and is capable of clinging to metallic surfaces to gain tactical advantage inside enclosed areas..." she pauses suddenly, "Add note: Test clinging ability on other construction substances to verify if it is magnetic, or some other force holding it in place."

    "The 'pirates' a crustacean-like species, broke and fled once one they called 'The Hunter' appeared... the XE-MI frame apparently triggered some kind of heightened aggression, and they attempted to attack me, though were stopped by an autonomous intellect using the ship's comm system... this being is likely analogous to Operator-class AIs like Minerva.. much like the XE-MI is almost identical in form to a construct known as an E.M.M.I. from that 'verse."

    Further information gathering was not feasable, as the Pirates triggered the ships self destruct system and we were forced to evacuate, though Minerva managed to disable several of the fleeing pirate ships using the Sanctuary's beam emitter. The 'Federation', transmitted payment for the job. This has been forwarded to LineFleet to aid in civil reclaiming efforts in Epsilon Eridani."