Artificial New Year's (1)

"Hyouka, it would be far less destructive to the kitchen were you to simply visit a fried chicken shop."


"The Orc Fried Chicken down the street is open tonight. Full hours for New Year's Eve."


"...Hyouka, I believe that potato is sufficiently mashed alrea-"

"Shut it. I'm still not happy with you."

"I see."

"Why the hell didn't you tell me I'm the world's first full-conversion cyborg?!"

"We've been over this. I felt that it would distract both you and those around you from the adventuring life you so desired-"

"And I'm asking you, why didn't you let me make that choice?!" Clatter. "I assumed with the prosthetics already out there, someone would have already made a full-body switch at least once or twice! That's really amazing, you know?! That's one of the coolest things you could have told me, and I would have loved to be able to tell everyone 'I'm the first full body cyborg-'"

"You would have been miserable, Hyouka Kiyama."

"...excuse me?"

"I shall set aside my nature and role as your assistant for a moment, and speak as the dragon from whom I was copied. It is the nature of a dragon to look to the future. To see not simply the path before them, but where it will lead, and where each fork will take them. We plan decades, centuries into the future. You are a woman, Hyouka Kiyama, who was miserable over her lack of choice. Forced into a life you did not want. A life in which you felt trapped, unable to do what you enjoyed, what interested you. If I had told you your pioneering status, you would have crowed it to the high heavens. You would have made a great big deal of it. Wouldn't you?"
