Artificial New Year's (2)

"Indeed. And it would have meant instant celebrity. A household name, the world over. People assailing you on the street for attention, for an autograph, a photo, an interview. Media hounding you constantly. Likely world leaders wanting your face to boost their polls. Not to mention all the negative attention from those who would decry you as unnatural. Your life would no longer be anything but 'Hyouka Kiyama, the perpetually-hounded public figure'. I chose to deprive you of that choice because it was plain to me that doing so would allow you to retain the choice which was truly important to you, rather than letting you shortsightedly throw it away."



"...Okay. But no more secrets. No more leading me by the nose with carefully-worded statements. Is there anything else you're not telling me? No hidden features to my body, no more secrets about my creation or the events behind it or... nothing like that? Again, no clever wording, or next time I find out something I think you should have told me I'm going to find a way to have you removed."

"...There is one thing."

"What is it?"

"I... ask that you not force me to tell you. It is more 'a secret of your dragon patron' than anything about you in specific. It will not affect your daily life, and if it becomes relevant I promise I will tell you. But please, until that day, allow me... allow her, to keep her secrets. And I promise you there is nothing else beyond that."

"...mnrg. Alright, fine, fine."

"Hyouka, the chicken is burnt."


"I've already placed an order for your usual at OFC."
