Kindred Spirits

Justina paces as the medical dolls work. Minerva has split herself into the Dolls, working tirelessly to stabilize the girl in the pod until they can reach a proper medical facility to extract her from the pod systems. The Half-Elf watches helpless, at a kindred spirit laying as the last survivor of a broken world. She feels a connection to this girl despite still having a living family, living world; the stab of agony at the memory of her father broke her focus long enough that if Minerva wasn't there, the ship may well have plowed right into a chunk of debris, or into the pirate cruiser.

    She places her hand on the glass, then looks away, out of a viewport into the stars.

    That white-haired girl was crying... did she lose someone important to her, too? The Hunter also seemed shaken by the revelation.

    Perhaps they are all, Kindred Spirits, after a fashion.