A faint Hope

    The CEFS Sanctuary pulls into LineBase 82, a dedicated medical facility. Transfer of the 'Lifeboat' and its passenger goes smoothly, and the staff begin the careful and meticulous work of extracting the young woman from the life support systems.

    Hours pass, ships arrive and leave, the glimmer of hope starts to fade.

    Then a holographic message comes through.

    The image of the human girl, long reddish brown hair now groomed and brushed straight, a new outfit provided consisting of a long white blouse and pale pink shorts; seated in a wheelchair due to muscle atrophy appears in the unused meeting room aboard the science ship.

    The girl looks shy for a moment, then smiles as she clutches a Pad to her chest. "I-I hear I have you, and several others to thank... for rescuing me..." she looks away, at someone out-of-frame, before looking back, "My name... is Hope, Hope Aesland and I want to repay your kindness one day, if not for myself, then for the memory of everyone on Severus-VI." she smiles again, as little tears appear in the corners of her eyes, then the feed cuts.

    Justina stands there for a moment, then turns to leave the meeting room. "Minerva, request departure clearance and set course for OuterSite Station... it's time we got back to work."

    "Clearance has already been granted, Captain. Setting course and proceeding to ingress point for the Leyline now." the AI replies. "It seems that there is still a little Hope, after all.