
    "...for those involved in the attack on AT39485-3997 is set at..."

    Seemingly ignoring the holovid news feed a few feet away from her in the messy and cramped workspace, Circe lays on her back, hands cupped behind her head, red eyes held open. A small golden snake drone holding a laser tool in its mouth points it into the right eye. A certain inner glow shines in the red of that eye as adjustments are made, the snake moving precisely.

    The holovid reaches the end of the short clip, then replays it. Again, and again, until the seemingly passive girl snaps.

    "This sucks, you know?" Circe complains at the snake, careful not to not move her head while the work is being done. "Not your work! It's just all so.. frustrating. All that effort and it rates twenty seconds and a tiny blip in their value. I want to make them bleed, and I don't know if we can hiding behind 'Adrienne' or 'Arleen' or 'Aryana.'"

    "It's about time to shed our skin, yeah?"