Part-Time Gobbo Underling

     Alright. She managed to get the interview. Passed it. Even got approved for the job. All she had to do now was learn and do a good job and take customers' money when they were buying things and help clean up. It was an easy job. One that paid okay. Enough to get her through the day and keep her out of trouble, as well as get her money for nice primo cuts of rat steak instead of feral rat scraps like she normally eats.
     She could resist the draw of the shinies and just take the payments. Put them in the till. Give change. It would be fine. Everything would be fine.
     And it was. For a few days. She even lasted nearly a week with only ALMOST pocketing some of the coins meant fo the till, but guilt resulting in her putting them back. She put in plenty of effort, made sure that she cleaned up the store well. But then? Then the dreaded monster appeared. The final boss of retail.

     The Troublesome Customer. Something wasn't listed at the right price. Also the goblin who was checking out was dressed poorly and smelled doesn't the store have standards.

     Of all things to lose her cool about, it wasn't the insults to herself. Or that the customer demanding the price be changed. She could keep her cool for those. But insults to her boss? She couldn't hold it back. The fury of being talked down to by this tallkfolk who thought they knew everything, who was willing to talk crap about people she didn't even know?! It bubbled over. A week's worth of quiet, seething annoyance at customers coming out all at once. In the form of Arri jumping the counter and getting into a fight with the customer.

     Several bites later, winning the fight. And Arri steals the lady's purse and runs, never looking back. There was no way she'd keep her job after that, and she just attacked a lady and stole her purse. The guards would be after her later no doubt.

Oh well. At least she got a fancy purse out of the deal.