Alice and the Broken Doll

+bb The teenage girl scrubbed the bathroom floor carefully, most wouldn't care for such a task but she would be happy to feel any sense of satisfaction. Ever since fleeing from her other half she had done her best to maintain a low profile. She tried to help those in need, but just moving on her own took a great deal of effort. She had only defeated her counterpart by getting the drop on her after all.

As she looked up from cleaning, she caught sight of another girl standing in the mirror with fog next to her. "Just cleaned that..." The doll was getting better at speaking but still couldn't manage much more than a lifeless monotone. Her glazed over brown eyes looked around as she stood up but she was the only one in the bathroom. The girl in the mirror seemingly pointed as fog begun to form next to her. She smudged her fingers on the clouded glass as she wrote a message.


The doll struggled to make what she had written for a moment before coming to a conclusion,"Accident in Spanish?" The girl shook her head sending her long blonde hair before pointing at the doll and turning around.

"You know me? Not really her...don't remember you." The doll was rather dismissive as she spoke. Deciding it would be best to keep it simple, the blonde wrote in the fog again.

em pleh ,ecilA m'I

"Alice?" The girl placed her hands to her forehead as she tried to remember. Suddenly a surge of life flooded into the doll and she could think clearly. "Ninth grade science class, we were supposed to work on a project about Mendel genetics...but you one day you suddenly vanished. I got stuck working with Sybil..."

The doll suddenly felt a great of rage as she punched one of the bathroom stalls and winced. She didn't have any bones to break but she still felt pain in her hand. "How do I help you...I can't go back to them. I don't have any power..." The sudden surge quickly faded as she fell lifelessly to the bathroom floor.