The Use of Weapons

    he world fell into the deepness of the sky, impossible fluctuations of reality hurled past Aurelia. She struggled to orient herself, though unsure of which way was even up. Where the mirror that held Tim's sister and Mephy's contract went, she had no idea. Aurelia didn't know if it was safe in her pocket of Elsewhere or if it had been thrown into some other time or place by the mishap. She didn't have the focus to check. She caught a glimpse of Tim Mirra and reached for him, if only to have some anchor point in this stormy reality she found herself in. Aurelia managed to get a grip on Tim's ankle and, somehow, things managed to get stranger...
    She saw Orania, recalling the first time she met the ancient ghost. The words she was speaking came back to Aurelia. "No. There is no safety to be found in a sword. A sword only brings death, it does not give life. It is a responsibility, a burden. A curse." The words now, as then, stung Aurelia with the painful revelation that nothing would be normal. She looked down at the blade, which was not the familiar lustrous diamond but the nigh perfectly reflective surface of magical silver. The face Aurelia saw was not her own, but a distorted reflection of somebody with lustrous raven dark hair, much like her older sister's.
    "I hope that one day you may forgive me." The vision faded as the transformation into the alter-ego began, and Aurelia woke up with wet sand against her face. The dazed and unshaven face of Tim Mirra was above her, helping her up onto her unsteady feet. The smell of salt was on the air, the cry of gulls, and the gentle slap of waves told Aurelia she was on a beach somewhere.