The Mirror Test

The hospital room was full of medical equipment, both conventional and magical in nature. A blonde teenage girl was wired to them with one arm restrained by the devices. Her free hand was busy trying to dig through a bowl of cherry gelatin. The door suddenly popped open quietly as two figures stepped inside. The girl raised the tip of one finger in order to adjust her glasses to get a better view of the pair.

"Hey Alice, I hope you're feeling better, you don't look bad with short hair." The taller of the figures spoke up as she stood before her.

"Um...hi Benedicta...I guess maybe a little. I feel so weak right now." Alice looked away as she saw the smaller figure seemingly not too happy to see him. "Why is he here?"

The rabbit-like al-mir'aj girl turned toward the smaller figure that resembled a tamarin monkey, but was closer to a small child in size. "He's here to apologize and explain why you ended up inside the mirror to begin with."

"It's not my fault the hounds showed up while I was trying to make a contract with her. Sorry, you ended up inside the mirror for four years though." The monkey looked rather embarrassed as she said that. "We really should finish that when you get out of here."

"Are you trying to traumatize her even more? Look Alice, if you don't want anything to do with the magical world after what happened, no one's going to blame you. There are times I wish I never got involved with myself," Benedicta couldn't help but to sigh as she said that.

"Won't those hounds keep coming after my brother and me? I mean I'm not sure I'll be much help but I have to do something." Alice knew she was in over her head here but did her best to sit up.

"Whoa, take it easy. You should be focusing on trying to eat solid food again if anything. Leave the hounds to me." Benedicta didn't want her to jump the gun here.

"Okay...what about you and your double? Were you involved in an accident too?" Alice looked puzzled as to why there were two of Benedicta running around.

"Kind of...wait, how do you know about that?" Benedicta's ears rose a bit wondering where she got that information from.

"I met the other you while I was in the mirror world. She mentioned trying to get me out of there. I hope she's not still at it. Do you have any way to reach her?" Alice's room didn't have a phone in it.

"We're kind of at odds with each other. I think she sees me as a threat to her existence. I haven't really had a chance to talk with her." She's clearly uncomfortable talking about the situation.

"I think I managed to resonate with her. It was weak because of the mirror but there was something there." Alice noticed something unusual about the double.

"Yeah, she was created by a magic mirror that Sybil stole from me. It's how I got dragged into this mess to begin with." Benedicta explained in more depth.

"I gave Sybil and Benedicta mirrors to awaken their magic so they could free you." Mephy elaborated.

" didn't tell us that before! Why didn't you tell us about Alice sooner?!" Benedicta's tail rose up and she grabbed Mephy by one hand.

"The hounds...eek!" In a panic, Mephy suddenly vanished from sight in a cloud of sulfur. Benedicta couldn't help but to cough and twitch her nose at the foul odor.

"Dammit Mephy!"