Proof in the Pudding

Just north of Polyuchyn, Sokovia is the slightly diplatidated Feathergrass Airbase. For the last several months it's been home to Agent Anneka Stojespal as she and her colleagues have been working towards revealing HYDRA cells in the region. The mild summer weather has been nice. The constant suspicion of HYDRA spies, though; not so much.

It's after midnight in the SHIELD hangar. The light is still on, though the ground crews have left. In the shadow of a quinjet, two agents sit at a folding card table covered in documents, sorting through the mess together.

"You think this is enough; what we have found?" Anneka Stojespal. Her voice betrays her scepticism. "I have not read it all yet. Hand me that stack, please?"

"I think you've definitely found something, Anneka." Phil Coulson regards the papers in his hands with his lips set into a thin line of displeasure. "I wonder why they didn't digitise these? This stuff's too significant to just leave sitting around. These look like invoices, and those are some kind of timeline. Oh, could you hand me that stack? I think I have the other half."

"Invoices, you think?"

"Maybe. I'm seeing a few other financial documents mixed in. Shame you couldn't take one more drawer."

"Couldn't carry more," the pilot grunts, flipping through another stack and setting it aside. "I do not know about yours, Philip Coulson, but I am seeing patterns, here, in my pile."

"Actually, I think I am, too."

"HYDRA is gearing up to build a goddamned prototype." She holds up a sheaf and shakes it. "Look. I found schematics. What does HYDRA need with a supersonic fighter? Even if everything I am seeing here is wrong."

Coulson leaves off the papers he's sorting through, glancing up. "How so?"

"With the top speed I think it has, it would rip its own wings off. It is carrying too much weight. If this thing actually obeyed physics, it would be one hell of an apex predator, but... this couldn't even fly. Not with current... oh." She trails off, blanching a little. "Of course. Oh, damn. They're running a Chitauri powerplant."

She looks up, single eye wide. "Philip Coulson, we have to find and shut this thing down."

"I couldn't agree more." Coulson thins his lips in displeasure. "I'll see if I can find any leads in this stuff, and we'll talk to the cadets we rescued. They're a little shaken, but otherwise I think they'll be okay. This sounds like a major operation. I'd wonder how they managed to stay off the agency's radar for so long," he sighs, "but this is HYDRA we're dealing with."

Anneka's voice is a growl. "Well, I for one am willing to do whatever it takes to remove them."

"You and everyone else in SHIELD." Setting the stack down, Coulson stands, gesturing to the table. "Why don't you finish up with that? It's late. I'll turn it all over to the analysts. They'll let us know if there's anything to it. Considering there's no question that this is HYDRA, I should be able to convince Nick to give us a little more leeway out here."

"Fine. Good. Whatever the analysts can find; whatever Director Fury can do, that will be good." Setting papers aside, the pilot yawns. "I will save some of these; maybe there is something here that may be useful to Steve Rogers." She pauses a beat. "The other one."

Anneka scowls. "Damn. This may get confusing..."