Visiting Hours

Beep... beep... beep...

Magilou sat up, blinking her green and violet eyes in the unfamiliar surroundings of a bright hospital room, a painful ache in her gut and along her back as she did.

One attempt to stretch later and a sharp pain in her wrist alerted her to her right hand being cuffed to a rail alongside the bed. Looking down, she wasn't in her usual stylish clothing at all, but rather some plain white fragile gown, a large gauze bandage peeking out from where it was tied.

A sparkle of light later, and Bienfu was on the bed next to her, speaking loudly enough to draw anyone who might have been guarding her. "Miss Magilou! I was so worried about you, but I thought it was better to stay hidden and listen until you woke up!"

Just Bienfu there, then. No reason to put on a performance, and nothing interesting about it, either. She started glancing over the handcuffs - they couldn't want to keep her that much, with only one arm restrained - and said "It's fine, I don't really care. Guess farmgirl has some bite to her. I wasn't even trying to provoke her, or even talking to her. Wonder what I could get her to do if I did..." Her lip curled up, ever so slightly. Maybe a smile. Maybe not. "For that matter, how the others took it. I didn't really see if it worked out."

"Miss Magilou! At least try to take this seriously. They were talking about QUESTIONING you!"

Magilou shrugged, as much as she could. "Could be interesting, but I'll pass. Though I always hated escape acts; so boring, they always end the same way. The captor gets away to survive another day." A small pick of water appeared in her fingers; a little fiddling with the lock later, and she was free. "We'll have to see if we can get some clothes, though, or better yet find out where they put my hat. It would take weeks to replace that."

She never did find any of her own clothing, but the nurse who hurried into the room when she disconnected some of those cables and alarms from equipment she didn't understand wasn't much bigger than her in body if not in foot.

A barefoot Magilou, dressed in blue scrubs, vanished into the night, leaving the nurse behind to answer some questions instead.