
    Scavenger sat in a dark little nook, somewhere in Rhodes Islands vast ductwork system. She liked this spot, it was far enough away from the general hub-bub of the rest of the mobile facility, and from the massive engines that drove the thing on its tracked base.

    It was quiet here, and she could think without being interrupted.

    She tugged the locket out of the reinforced pouch she kept it in, and popped it open to look at the picture inside.

    She stared at it for several moments, reaching out as if she could reach back through time to caress the face in the picture one last time, but her fingers retracted as if burned and her hand dropped back to her lap as she snapped the locket shut once more.

    The locket went back in the pouch, and out came an off-brand cereal bar which was devested of its wrapper and crammed unceremoniously into the Zalak's mouth, the sharp snap of her teeth cutting it in half resonating loudly in the silence surrounding her as she grumpily chewed.