Solo Operations

    "Scavenger is one of the few Operators we can call a true Solo Operator. She can easily survive and complete objectives without support from Rhodes Island for days, even weeks at a time." The medical tech recited, glancing over at her companion, a new hire. "She'll come in reeking, in need of a shower and covered in patched up wounds... but she'll be alive and ready for duty in a couple of days of rest afterward."

    Scavenger dragged herself out from under the pile of corpses. Covered in caked blood and sporting a splinted left arm. "Hello, Death... my old friend. Better luck next time... you'll need to try harder than that." her voice gravelly from lack of water as she spoke to the air. "You can have me. When you've earned me. Not before."

    A moment of respite in the open air, and a swig from her canteen, followed by the scoffing of a field ration bar, saw Scavenger haul herself to her feet again. She turned toward the Rhodes Island beacon and began to walk. "Rendezvous is fifty clicks south... plenty of time to do some sight seeing on the road." she quipped sardonically to herself.