A favour


    The sound of something heavy and metal striking her desk as her back was turned sent a jolt through Closure's frame. It didn't help her nerves when the voice attached to said metal-work spoke up. If she could have gone any paler at the words, she would have. "Closure, I need to call in that favour you owe me."

    Scavenger sounded tense, almost desperate. her yellow eyes boring into the black-haired Sarkaz's soul as she turned around.

    The sight that greeted her as she looked down was horrific. Scavenger's weapon, a Buster Blade with dense alloy and reinforced construction, lay battered, pockmarked and cracked. "Wh-what did you do? she asks before registering the words properly... her hands darting down to caress the surface.

    "Heavy fighting... went on a job for a Fixer in Night City and it went sideways." replies the Zalak, her brow furrowed. "Saved my life, but I don't think she'll serve again."

    Closure's face grows serious, red eyes looking up at those yellows. "You're calling in that favour?" she asks, to which Scavenger nods.

    "Fine... three days, come back here immediately... but after this, we're square. Got it?"

    Scavenger just gives a grave nod and turns to walk away, leaving her weapon behind.