The Rat, the Ripperdoc and the ventholes

    It was a quiet trip from the alley to the ripperdoc. Scavenger, ever the loner, was making her own field repairs to her bullet-punctured shoulder, likely achieving both a lessening of the necessary work, and an increase at the same time.

    She makes sure to check before she leaves the cab, and says in a serious tone. "Burn the seat I was sat in... my blood is not good for other people."

    She offers the same warning to Twintail, "Get someone down there to purge that alleyway."

    And finally, as she sits to get fixed by the Ripperdoc, she looks dead in the eyes and very emphatically says. "When you're done, clean those tools to within an inch of their lives, and make sure you clean every single speckle of blood that comes out of me... You don't want what's in it to spread here."

    And with that, she's likely sparked a line of inquery from some corpo with an ear on the street, but she'd rather deal with that than potentially condemn another world.