Always In Her Shadow

"He's going that way, quickly!" The doll could heard the chaos from her forced position on the recliner but couldn't see much from it. The doors to the guest room where kept locked tight most of the time.

"Dammit, they're all over the place. Burn every one you see!" She knew the second voice was Sybil but not what was going on outside. Suddenly, several worms crawl through a vent leading into the carrying a black coin and she heard a familiar voice speak from above.

"I've been watching you for some time now; it seems you're in quite a conundrum. It seems like you?re Benedicta but not at the same time. I propose a little experiment, I?m curious to see if a black obol will work on an artificially created being." The doll instantly knew who was talking as soon as she heard the voice.

"I?m not Benedicta and I won?t be a test subject for your sick work..." She struggled in her seat as the worms crawled closer to her.

"Oh and how do you propose to leave on your own? Besides I know you?re after the same thing as I am or you wouldn?t be here. No one is coming to rescue you, and I have no intent on making a return trip here. You want to make Sybil?s life miserable, and there?ll be plenty of time to do so. Though I suggest you accept my offer and use this chance to escape."

At this point the worms carrying the obol were now seated on the doll?s lap. They were wiggling about just like she was. "Besides, Benedicta would refuse my offer as well, here?s a chance to prove you?re different from her."

"I still hate you..." Suddenly the doll was engulfed in shadow as the obol worked its magic on her. She let out a loud scream of agony as her body twisted and fought against the seals. The sounds of fabric tearing could be heard as her body was ripped to shreds and reformed. She became pale and lifeless for a moment once again. Of course the chaos inside hadn?t gone unnoticed as the door and the queen of wasps herself stepped inside.

Before she could react, the doll?s eyes suddenly sprung open now a lifeless red in color. A clawed hand covered in black fur slashed against Sybil?s armor almost seemingly cleaving it in two. The woman?s brown eyes looked down before seemingly vanishing from sight. It had only been one of the illusionist?s doubles but it still felt quite pleasant to the doll. She was almost tempted to hunt down more before remembering the scientist?s words and scurrying out of the guest room.

The doll was having some trouble adjusting to her new form but it seems like she was on the 5th floor from the numbers on the door. She just needed to find a window to jump out of; it wasn?t like the fall could seriously hurt her. She almost had a clear shot at one in the room across the hall when she heard the clanking of armor down the hall as one of her ears twitched. She hadn?t a chance to take a good look at herself but it seems like she possessed rabbit ears like her counterpart now. Hers stood straight up though and were covered with black fur.

"Stop right there! That magical he didn?t..." She knew that familiar soft yet echoing voice, it was Shield-Maiden. That was the last person she wanted to see right now, the girl had visited her quite often during the night shift while she had been imprisoned. Before the knight could react further the sound of shattering filled the air as the doll escaped through the window. A single black tear stained the floor next to it.