The World of Star Wars: Old Republic-1

Star Wars: Old Republic-1

A world set in the lengthy history of the galaxy, before the Galactic Empire. It takes place during the war between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire.

Type: Blossom
Active Characters
No current characters.


Before the fall of the Jedi Council and the Galactic Republic's usurpation into the Galactic Empire, there was another massive war between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic.

The Sith Empire, located on the fringes of the galaxy beyond the eyes of the Republic, seeks to expand into the Core Worlds of the Galactic Republic and increase their control and territory. What began as a surprise offensive by the Sith has led to war between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic; a war which has gone on for years now.

The war has remained a stalemate. Following the death of the Sith Emperor, the Empire has been fighting outwardly as much as it is inwardly, with many Sith Lords vying to fill his seat. The Galactic Republic has been forced to contend with defecting Jedi, assassinations of government officials, and people losing faith in the ability of the Republic to protect their safety.

The biggest threat to this stalemate has come from its integration into a new world known as the Tree. An influx of foreign supplies, combatants, and logistics to both sides of the conflict seem to have stepped up aggression between the two factions. The ability to trade outside the galaxy has also encouraged some worlds on the fringes of the galaxy with access to Vines, connections to the world outside their galaxy, to secede from either side of the conflict and form a neutral party known as the 'Unified Coalition of Planets'.
Factional Goals

There are a few loose goals for each faction that encourages them to interact with the Tree. These are loose goals meant to inspire more individual character beats.

The Sith Empire wants to spread its influence and also to unbalance the Force. Due to this metric, they leave the Tree to create alliances and treaties with new, like-minded leaders. Force-attuned Sith have also begun theorizing that turning adjacent or connected worlds into Thorns can empower Dark Side users.

The Galactic Republic seeks to solidify its borders and protect its inhabitants. It frequently sends diplomats, envoys, and help to outside worlds in return for those worlds agreeing to help with its own problems in return. The Jedi Order, which supports the Galactic Republic, has been trying to ensure balance on the Tree by encouraging worlds to grow into Blossoms or Branches.

The Unified Coalition of Planets (An original concept) is a commerce based neutral faction. Its primary concerns are securing its independence, since neither the Republic or the Empire is pleased about secession from its member-states. This faction focuses on border security, mercenary work, and outside trade.

Tech Level

This world is considered reasonably future-tech. It has access to lasers, spaceships, forcefields, and interstellar travel.

It is not post-scarcity.

The tech level of individual worlds varies wildly, with some being huts on jungle planets and others being sprawling cities so dense and so high-built that seeing the ground is almost impossible.

The Force

In layman's terms, the Force is a unifying power that connects all living beings. Other worlds refer to it by many things such as 'mana', 'ki', or 'magic'.

Beings that are Force Sensitive can train to be able to tap into this power. Depending on the aptitude, the training period can take years.

Due to the fact it is a connection of all beings, aspects and uses of it can also strengthen in locations that are either particularly balanced and harmonic or particularly damaged and corruptive.

The Jedi focus on balance within the Force and using it towards harmonic ends. The Sith focus on wielding the Force like a weapon and tilting it towards passion and raw emotion.